OUR MUSICAL LIFE TOGETHER: A work in progress …
PHOTO: “First Haircut” Christopher, Barber (center), and Dad circa 1957
1955: (Christopher Burnett) Born in Olathe, Kansas to Violet Lorraine Jackson Burnett and Clifford LeRoy Burnett. The 5th of a total of 9 living children. The middle child, with two older brothers and two older sisters then two younger sisters and two younger brothers. Also see: BurnettFamilyUS.org
PHOTO: T’s home studio and office space.
1955: (Terri Anderson Burnett) Born in Toledo, Ohio to Sintha Ellen DeWitt Anderson and David Oscar Anderson. The eldest daughter of a total of three living children. Also see: BurnettFamilyUS.org
Christopher and his sibling family lived on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
1957 to 1963: (Christopher Burnett) Lived in France, Michigan, and Colorado as an Active Duty US Military Family prior to father concluding his career and returning the family to the Kansas City metropolitan area.
1965: (Terri Anderson Burnett) private flute lessons with Virginia Dickey (Ohio)
“It’s amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn’t know what one can’t do.” (QUOTE: Jim Davis as Garfield the cat)
1970: (Christopher Burnett) St. James A.M.E. Church Junior Choir vocalist under the direction of Nevada Rosbia (Kansas)
1970: (Christopher Burnett) Clarinet and Saxophone study with James R. Fuchs (Kansas)
1972: (Christopher Burnett) Saxophone study on free scholarship with Charles “Charlie” Molina (Kansas)
PHOTO: Giving a clinic to the PHS Jazz Band
1973: Discography – Paola High School Concert Band (1972-73) Featuring Gary Foster, saxophone, flute, clarinet soloist. Band Director, James R. Fuchs (Kansas)
1973: (Terri Anderson Burnett) Graduated from Lake High School and matriculated as a music major at Bowling Green State University.
1974: (Christopher Burnett) Selected for the Madrigal Singers vocal ensemble and studied Music Theory at Paola High School under the direction of Michael Lindeman (Kansas)
PHOTO: “Today’s Army Wants to Join You” (1971-1980) and “Be All You Can Be” (1980-2001) were the Army recruiting slogans during our era.
1974: (Christopher Burnett) Passed auditions for both the US Air Force; and also, for the US Army music programs – chose Army.
1974: (Christopher Burnett) US Army Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood offered a job opportunity with The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) due to high aptitude test scores but remained on the path with the military to work as a Professional Musical Performing Artist instead.
PHOTO: Us on the bus going to a performance somewhere in Germany, circa the late 1970s
1974: (Christopher Burnett) Armed Forces School of Music – Saxophone study with Eric Daniel, sat in with the Faculty Jazz Ensemble as a Basic Course Student, studied music theory, ear training, and ensemble performance at Basic Course (Virginia)
1975: (Christopher Burnett) Earned military occupational specialty as Saxophone Player.
1975: (Terri Anderson Burnett) passed the audition for the US Army music program as a Flute and Piccolo Player and enters the Active Duty Regular Army service as one of the very last members of the Women’s Army Corps (WAC).
PHOTO: Toledo Blade article about T joining Army Music.
1975: (Terri Anderson Burnett) Terri’s aptitude scores qualified her to attend the Westpoint Military Academy Preparatory School, but she decided to stay with music by joining the US Army Bands Career Program
1975: (Christopher Burnett) Saxophone Section Leader, Featured Soloist, and Supply Sergeant at 1st Infantry Division Band (Kansas)
PHOTO: Jazz great Bobby Watson with Youth Jazz Fellows
1976: (Terri Anderson Burnett) Armed Forces School of Music – Flute lessons, studied music theory, ear training, and ensemble performance at Basic Course and awarded Military Occupational Specialty as Flute Player (Virginia)
1976: (Christopher Burnett) Purchased Selmer (Paris) Saxophone – Set of Mark 7 alto and tenor saxophones
PHOTO: The feature article in “IRONSIDES” newspaper
1976: (Terri Anderson Burnett) Flute and Piccolo Player, 1st Armored Division Band (Germany)
1976: (Terri Anderson Burnett) First major Army band performance tour was to East Berlin during the “Cold War Era“
1977: (Christopher Burnett) Awarded THE ARMY COMMENDATION MEDAL – SIGNED: CALVERT P. BENEDICT, Major General, U.S. Army, Commander, 1st Infantry Division (The Big Red One) and Fort Riley on 17 January 1977 ( Note: 1 of 4 Army Commendation Medals awarded during career)
1977: (Christopher Burnett) Armed Forces School of Music – Saxophone study with Javier Gutierrez, music theory, ear training, arranging, drum majoring, conducting, ensemble performance at Intermediate Course (Virginia)
1977: (Christopher Burnett) Saxophone Section Leader, Featured Soloist, Supply Sergeant, and Staff Arranger at the 1st Armored Division Band (Germany)
1977 to 1980: (Christopher Burnett) Berklee College of Music Arranging and Composition Course (Boston)
PHOTO: By Army Public Affairs Office during our rehearsal of jazz band performing with the Hof Symphony in Germany
1979: (Christopher Burnett) featured soloist with Hof Symphony Orchestra performing alto saxophone on the Rolf Liebermann 12-tone work for Jazz Band and Symphony Orchestra.
1979: (Christopher Burnett) After a two-year engagement and touring Europe together with the Army band, married the flutist, Terri Anderson Burnett in Copenhagen (Denmark)
PHOTO: Taken by Sintha of our new family leaving Germany together
1980: (Terri Anderson Burnett) Honorable Discharge after completing her enlistment contract in the Active Duty Regular Army Service as a Professional Musician. Our family leaves Germany.
1980: (Christopher Burnett) Saxophone Section Leader, Featured Soloist, Administration Sergeant, and Staff Arranger at First US Army Band (Maryland – Military District of Washington)
1981 to 1982: (Christopher Burnett) Conducting Study with Dr. Robert B. Tennyson through American University (Washington DC)
1982 to 1983: (Christopher Burnett) Armed Forces School of Music – Studied conducting with Gregory A. Prudom and Victor F. Owens, Dick Grove School of Music arranging course with Charles S. Clarke and Advanced Theory with Dr.(and concurrent Army Staff Sergeant) Vernon Boyd, company management, march composition, ear training, ensemble performance at Advanced Course (Virginia)
PHOTO: Mr. Burnett was hired to be the USD 453 Woodwind Artist-In-Residence and Jazz Clinician in 2017
1983: (Christopher Burnett) Armed Forces School of Music – Graduated from Advanced Course with a 3.05 Audition Score (Major Command Band Qualification, C1) as a Saxophone Artist and qualified for all Senior Positions within Army band organizations
1983: (Christopher Burnett) Armed Forces School of Music – Accepted into the Army Warrant Officer Bandmaster Program, but did not become a Warrant Officer Bandmaster
PHOTO: ARC recording label feature article
1983 to 1990: (Christopher Burnett) Woodwind Group Leader, Featured Soloist, and Staff Arranger at 399th US Army Band (Missouri)
1983: (Christopher Burnett) Studied Woodwind Instruments with Bill Archer through Fontbonne University (St. Louis)
1983: (Christopher Burnett) Private Teaching Practice begins with Willie Meyers Thornton as the very first private music student (Missouri)
1984: (Terri Anderson Burnett) volunteered as a teacher of “English as a Second Language” at Fort Leonard Wood and returned to formal university course work but as an Education Major at Drury University (Missouri)
1983 to 1985: (Christopher Burnett) Studied the Joseph Schillinger System of Musical Composition volume I and volume II privately with O’tress L. Tandy (Missouri)
1984: (Christopher Burnett) AA in Business Administration and General Studies from Columbia College (Missouri)
1984: (Christopher Burnett) Awarded MACOM C1 Additional Skill Identifier (Major Command Band Qualification, C1) as a Saxophone Artist
1985 to 1990: (Christopher Burnett) Adjunct Faculty, Missouri Science and Technology (formerly, University of Missouri-Rolla) taught Music 036 Jazz Band approved by installation commander to be concurrent with active duty military service
PHOTO: Website screenshot of Drum Room featured artist profile
1985: (Christopher Burnett) Offered 02S (Special Band) Jazz Saxophone position unsolicited by US Military Academy Band’s Jazz Knights but was deemed mission essential by CWO Bucher and 1SG Moore and not released for this prestigious reassignment.
1988: (Terri Anderson Burnett) graduated with honors from Drury University and entered graduate work at the University of Missouir at Columbia (Missouri)
1988: (Terri Anderson Burnett) hired to teach full-time as an Elementary School Teacher for Waynesville R6 Schools (Missouri)
1989: (Christopher Burnett) Celebrated 10th Anniversary of Marriage to the flutist, Terri Anderson Burnett in Copenhagen (Denmark)
PHOTO: Pictured here after a ceremony speaking with the Commandant of the Royal College of Defence Studies, General Sir Antony Walker. Looking on is Admiral Jonathan T. Howe, who actually served simultaneously in the two positions as Commander in Chief, of Allied Forces Southern Europe and Commander, of U.S. Naval Forces Europe. Admiral Howe would later serve as Ambassador to Somalia after he retired from the Navy. (1991, Italy)
1990: (Christopher Burnett) Handpicked by the Army Music Assignments Branch to serve in the NATO Band as the senior Army musician representative as a Woodwind Instrumentalist and an Ensemble Bandleader in one of two total US Army musician slots with the multi-service and multi-national Allied Forces Southern Europe (NATO) Band in Naples, Italy
1992: (Christopher Burnett) Awarded THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDAL – SIGNED: J. S. LAPOSATA, Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Chief of Staff on 01 September 1992
1992: (Christopher Burnett) Staff and Faculty, Faculty Wind Ensemble, Faculty Lab Band, Featured Soloist and Student Company First Sergeant at Armed Forces School of Music in Norfolk, VA
1992: (Christopher Burnett) MACOM C1 Additional Skill Identifier recertification audition with 3.20 Audition Score on Alto Saxophone at Armed Forces School of Music in Norfolk, VA
PHOTO: Defense Meritorious Service Medal
1993: (Christopher Burnett) Awarded THE MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDAL – SIGNED: RONALD E. BROOKS, Major General, U.S. Army, Commanding on 21 April 1993 ( Note: 1 of 2 Army Meritorious Service Medals awarded during career)
1993: (Terri Anderson Burnett) earned full tenure as a Teacher for Waynesville R6 Schools (Missouri)
1993: (Christopher Burnett) First Sergeant, Featured Soloist, and Enlisted Band Leader at 399th US Army Band (Missouri)
1994: (Christopher Burnett) Purchased Selmer (Paris) Saxophone – Series II alto saxophone
1995: (Christopher Burnett) Won the National Federation of Music Clubs Five Star Award of Merit (Top Prize) for Original Composition and Arrangement for Large Jazz Ensemble titled, Daedalus
1995: (Christopher Burnett) Co-founded Burnett Music Company with Terri Anderson Burnett (Missouri)
PHOTO: Conducting the NATO Ceremonial Band during an Honors Ceremony at AFSOUTH Headquarters (Naples, Italy)
1996: (Christopher Burnett) Honorable Retirement from Active Duty Military Service (after 22 Continuous Years of Regular Army – Army Career & Alumni Program)
1996: (Christopher Burnett) Saxophone Lessons with Paul DeMarinis at Webster University (St. Louis)
1996: (Christopher Burnett) Saxophone Study with Jerry Greene (Patterns For Jazz)
1996: (Christopher Burnett) Letter of Appreciation, Subject: MISSOURI QUALITY AWARD – SIGNED: JOHN T. PARK, Chancellor, University of Missouri-Rolla on 29 January 1996
PHOTO: L to R Bill Garlette, Christopher Burnett, Luis Branch at their Armed Forces School of Music Staff and Faculty Farewell (Virginia)
1996 to 2000: (Christopher Burnett) Adjunct Faculty, Missouri Science and Technology (formerly, University of Missouri-Rolla) taught Music 036 Jazz Band
1997: Established The Burnett Music Company, Inc. full-line music store and instrument dealer at St. Robert, MO
1997: (Christopher Burnett) Purchased a matching set of Selmer (Paris) Saxophones – Series III alto and soprano
PHOTO: Newspaper advertisement for The Burnett Music Company, Inc.
1999: (Christopher Burnett) Celebrated 20th Anniversary of Marriage to the flutist, Terri Anderson Burnett in Copenhagen (Denmark)
1999: (Christopher Burnett) Debut Commercial Recording Release of “Time Flies” recorded at the former RCA Radio Studio (KTTK Radio – Max Rhoades, engineer) in Lebanon (Missouri)
1999 to 2003: (Christopher Burnett) Promoted worldwide by the Online Music Distribution website: MP3.com as an Artist via the Internet (San Diego)
PHOTO: The feature article in “ESSAYONS” newspaper
2001: (Christopher Burnett) Started writing articles for the original “Musings In Cb” column online at All About Jazz – a comprehensive portal and still arguably the largest jazz website in the world
2002 to 2007: (Christopher Burnett) Interned as Record Label Manager and Staff Arranger for a private Kansas City-based music label.
2003: (Christopher Burnett) Time Flies” was downloaded over 508,000 times by listeners from 38 countries at the close of MP3.com
PHOTO: Dr. Andrew Hill graciously took this photo with me after his festival set (Iowa City)
2004: (Terri Anderson Burnett) completed the training course for Medical Billing and Coding at Kansas City Kansas Community College (Kansas City)
2004: (Christopher Burnett) (November) Performed for the first time as a leader in Kansas City, leading the Blue Monday Jam at the Blue Room located on the corner of historic “18th & Vine“
2006 and 2007: (Christopher Burnett) Featured Artist at The Drum Room in Kansas City
PHOTO: Adjudicating the 18th & Vine Student Jazz Festival (Kansas City)
2007: (Christopher Burnett) Formed the Artists Recording Collective, a new concept music label brand and business model, with fellow saxophonist: Erica Lindsay and pianist: Sumi Tonooka (Kansas nonprofit organization)
2007: (Christopher Burnett) Featured Article in Jazz Ambassador Magazine (Kansas City)
2008: (Christopher Burnett) Joined the Faculty of Kansas City Youth Jazz by a personal invitation from co-founder, Leon A. Brady
PHOTO: The issue with ARC featured in Down Beat Magazine(March 2009)
2008: (Terri Anderson Burnett) hired by Department of Veterans Affairs for Medical Billing and Coding at Dwight D. Eisenhower VA Medical Center assisting veteran clients’ access to their hard-earned benefits (Leavenworth)
2009: (Christopher Burnett) Celebrated 30th Anniversary of Marriage to the flutist, Terri Anderson Burnett in Copenhagen (Denmark)
PHOTO: Performing alongside Kansas City Jazz Master Ahmed Alaadeen
2009: (Christopher Burnett) Artists Recording Collective featured in Down Beat magazine article
2009: (Terri Anderson Burnett) resumes performing, recording, and teaching as flute and piccolo artist (TerriBurnettFlute.com)
2009: (Christopher Burnett) Purchased Gold Brass (CR) Neck for Selmer (Paris) Series III Alto Saxophone
PHOTO: Presenting with Leon Brady at KBA
2009: (Christopher Burnett) Presented the transformative Kansas City Youth Jazz 12:30 Combo private jazz education program with Mr. Leon A. Brady at the Kansas Bandmasters Association Convention (Wichita)
2009: (Christopher Burnett) Elected by the organizational general membership to the Mutual Musicians Foundation At-Large Board of Directors (Kansas City)
2009: (Christopher Burnett) Participated in Black House Improvisors Collective and composed Cyclical Connotations for Residency #2
2009: (Christopher Burnett) Artists Recording Collective feature in Jazz Ambassador Magazine article
PHOTO: Roy Hargrove graciously took this photo with me during our festival (Kansas City)
2010: (Christopher Burnett) Conductor and Clinician for the KMEA Northeast All-District Honors Jazz Ensemble (Kansas)
2010: (Christopher Burnett) Live at the Hollywood Theater concert series Music Director (Leavenworth)
2011: (Christopher Burnett) Accepted Marketing and Communications Manager position with the American Jazz Museum (Kansas City)
PHOTO: Morning coffee “RETIRED U.S. ARMY” mug
2011: (Christopher Burnett) American Jazz Museum (Kansas City) 2011 Rhythm & Ribs Jazz and Blues Festival wins Kansas City Visitors’ Choice Award for BEST FESTIVAL
2011: (Christopher Burnett) American Jazz Museum (Kansas City) the 2011-2012 Jammin’ at the Gem performance series season sold out attendance and contributed to the organization’s balance sheet
2011: (Christopher Burnett) #4 on Plastic Sax Blog’s Kansas City Jazz Geniuses list …
PHOTO: Work Sample, American Jazz Museum 2013 Annual Report.
2012: (Christopher Burnett) Accepted personal invitation of Gene Hall to join the Kansas City Jazz Orchestra Board of Directors
2012: (Christopher Burnett) Successful Marketing and Communications Manager work with the American Jazz Museum (Kansas City) resulted in the 2012 Rhythm & Ribs Jazz and Blues Festival winning the Kansas City Visitors’ Choice Award for BEST FESTIVAL
2012: (Christopher Burnett) Successful Marketing and Communications Manager work with the American Jazz Museum (Kansas City) resulted in the 2012-2013 Jammin’ at the Gem performance series season exceeding requisite attendance and contributing to the organization’s balance sheet
2012: (Christopher Burnett) Successful Marketing and Communications Manager work with the American Jazz Museum (Kansas City) resulted in Blue Room jazz club exceeding requisite attendance and contributing to the organization’s balance sheet
PHOTO: Henri Selmer at his shop in Paris, France. Christopher Burnett has played Selmer Paris saxophones exclusively since 1974.
2012: (Christopher Burnett) Officially named a CONN-SELMER PERFORMING ARTIST AND CLINICIAN. Christopher Burnett plays Selmer (Paris) Saxophones exclusively.
2012: (Christopher Burnett) Successful Marketing and Communications Manager work with the American Jazz Museum (Kansas City) resulted in the launch of a brand new website for the organization that features an enormous amount of viable content, yet is accessible with minimum clicks
PHOTO: Kansas City Visitors’ Choice Awards 2011-2016
2013: (Christopher Burnett) Participated in Black House Improvisors Collective and composed Osiris for Black House Collective Winter Workshop (Residency #11) collaborating with the Nelson-Aktins Museum of Art’s “Innovation Project.”
2013: Disography – Never satisfied with the original engineering on his debut recording, hires Don Miller of AIRBORNE AUDIO PRODUCTIONS to remix and remaster the project. ARC-2499 TIME FLIES (Remastered Collectors Edition) releases digitally in April and special collectors edition album in November on the Artists Recording Collective’s ARC recording label.
2013: (Christopher Burnett) Successful Marketing and Communications Manager work with the American Jazz Museum (Kansas City) resulted in the development and launch of AJM Mobile APP on both the APPLE APP STORE and the ANDROID MARKET; thus extending the global reach of the organization
PHOTO: A feature article in KC STUDIO MAGAZINE “The Vibration of Everything”
2013: (Christopher Burnett) Successful Marketing and Communications Manager work with the American Jazz Museum (Kansas City) resulted in Kansas City’s 18th & Vine Jazz and Blues Festival (re-branded Rhythm & Ribs Jazz and Blues Festival) winning the Kansas City Visitors’ Choice Award for BEST FESTIVAL
2013: (Christopher Burnett) Successful Marketing and Communications Manager work with the American Jazz Museum (Kansas City) resulted in the exhibition and public programming of the Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibit American Sabor: Latinos in U.S. Popular Music reaching a large number of individuals and media outlets in the region
PHOTO: Kansas City Business Journal Feature Article (Marketing Charlie Parker)
2014: (Christopher Burnett) Successful Marketing and Communications Manager for the new non-profit catalyst organization, Kansas City Jazz A.L.I.V.E. (Kansas City) contributed to significant and sustained media coverage at both, the local and national levels. His team was specifically cited in a Kansas City Business Journal article.
2014: (Christopher Burnett) After refining his work in music education to include a small private studio of students, working on the faculty of the Metropolitan Jazz Workshop program, and conducting clinics, Chris Burnett officially joined the music faculty as an adjunct professor and woodwind instructor at Metropolitan Community Colleges (MCC-Penn Valley).
PHOTO: Taken while covering the Command and General Staff College for the Fort Leavenworth Lamp newspaper
2014: Discography – Maintaining a working group to perform and record his original work, Chris Burnett forms a new ensemble using his unabbreviated first name in the title of the group – CHRISTOPHER BURNETT QUARTET to anchor the project. CbQ released “Firebird” album as individual single tracks worldwide on the Artists Recording Collective’s ARC recording label.
2015: (Christopher Burnett) Appointed by the Missouri Arts Council to serve on the Advisory Panel for Multidiscipline for one term
2015: (Christopher Burnett) Conductor and Clinician for the KMEA Southeast All-District Honors Jazz Ensemble (Kansas)
PHOTO: Kansas City Globe newspaper article
2016: (Christopher Burnett) Invited by The Edward Jones Center for Entrepreneurship at Drury University to be its very first speaker in their new Self-Employment in the Arts series Download PDF of Mr. Burnett’s lecture, “The Story of a Song”
2016: (Christopher Burnett) Served as the guest speaker for the 2016 Martin Luther King Day Celebration at Fort Leavenworth
PHOTO: T on her way to work for the US Federal Government at the Veterans Administration
2016: (Christopher Burnett) Mr. Burnett leaves employment with the American Jazz Museum after 5 years of significantly contributing to that organization’s mission working primarily as Marketing Manager and Director of Communications, with concurrent duties at various points as Acting CEO and Director of Operations; and, immediately resumes his personal career as an arts organization & business professional, recording artist, educator, and entrepreneur in his native Kansas City area.
PHOTO: The Fort Leavenworth Lamp was a weekly print publication and is now online only
2016 to 2017: (Christopher Burnett) Accepts a position as the Staff Writer and Reporter with the Fort Leavenworth Lamp a weekly Kansas newspaper serving the military community for one year and wins First, Second, and Third division Kansas Press Association Awards of Excellence for articles during both 2016 and 2017
2017: Discography – Collaborated with longtime Italian Jazz Pianist friend, maestro Dino Massa (Naples, Italy) to record and produce the album “Echoes of Europe” under the band name Dino Massa Kansas City Quintet to critical acclaim and worldwide release on the Artists Recording Collective (ARC) label. (Kansas City)
2018: CHRISTOPHER BURNETT QUINTET Black Dolphin residency on the first Saturday of each month for one year
PHOTO: 2019 KCAYJ Fellows with Mr. Bill Crain and Mr. Joel Gordon at BRC Audio Productions
2019: (Christopher Burnett) Celebrated 40th Anniversary of Marriage to the flutist, Terri Anderson Burnett in Copenhagen (Denmark)
2019: The Burnetts form the private applied jazz education program, Kansas City Area Youth Jazz, and good friend, Bill Crain of BRC Audio Productions volunteered to host the program and serve as album producer (Kansas City)
2019: After owning the BurnettMusic.com URL from 1997-2019 we were approached by a firm to buy the domain name from us to help them with their branding. We still maintain a portal to our digital properties at BURNETTMUSIC.BIZ
2020: (Terri Anderson Burnett) honorably retires from her career working with the Department of Veterans Affairs and many years of dedicated service to the Federal Government of the United States of America (Leavenworth)
2020: (Christopher Burnett) presented a clinic session at the 82nd Annual In-Service Workshop/ Conference of the Missouri Music Educators Association at Tan-Tar-A Conference Center sponsored by Conn-Selmer, Inc. and MMEA.
2020: The Burnetts form a nonprofit organization, Burnett Music Foundation, and create programs from existing viable businesses Artists Recording Collective; Bird Boot Camp; Kansas City Area Youth Jazz; and, Jazz Artistry Now
2021: Burnett Music Foundation programs are successful.
PHOTO: Clinic notebook and MMEA conference program
2021: Discography – releases album “CbQ+5 The Standards, Vol. 1” to critical acclaim featuring special arrangements. (Kansas City)
2022: Christopher Burnett is nominated and unanimously elected Vice President of the Board of Directors of the nonprofit catalyst organization, Kansas City Jazz A.L.I.V.E.
2022: Discography – releases album “The Standards, Vol. 2 (Live at The Drum Room in Kansas City)” to critical acclaim featuring spontaneous performances from the 2006 and 2007 residency at the historic venue. (Kansas City)
2022: Burnett Music Foundation programs are successful.
PHOTO: Screenshot photograph of the Christopher Burnett artist listing at the ALLMUSIC database website (2023).
2022: Christopher Burnett forms his new “ORIGINALS” quartet with Gerald Spaits (bass), William Crain (piano/ keyboards), and Morgan Rogers (drums).
2023: Burnett Music Foundation engages Midnight Blue Jazz LLC as development counsel.
2023: Kansas City Area Youth Jazz Inc (aka Youth Jazz) is officially determined by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization under IRC Section 501(c)(3) with further Public Charity status thus allowing donors to deduct contributions they make to Youth Jazz under IRC Section 170.
2023: (Christopher Burnett) Professional Music Industry Database AllMusic/ VIVO has staff writer Matt Collar write the official Christopher Burnett biography used for all of the industry platforms and the streaming music services.
NOTE: This decade is still being lived and written. Visit our portal at BURNETTMUSIC.BIZ
VISIT: BurnettMusicFoundation.org
VISIT: BurnettSchool.net
VISIT: ArtistsRecordingCollective.biz
VISIT: TerriBurnettFlute.com
VISIT: ChristopherBurnett.us